Looking for Happy friendship day quotes funny or Funny friendship day quotes? The ideal time to appreciate the joy, laughter, and good times that friends bring into our lives is on Friendship Day. You may make Friendship Day even more memorable by incorporating comedy into your messages, whether you’re celebrating by remembering past experiences or making new ones. Get a selection of the funniest quotations for Friendship Day from this blog to send to your closest friends. These sayings will make them laugh and serve as a reminder of the special connection you two have. Our collection of amusing quotations for Friendship Day, which ranges from clever one-liners to hilarious tales, is sure to make your celebrations more enjoyable. Prepare to make people smile and laugh with these hilarious friendship day quotes!

Friendship Day Funny Quotes In Hindi & English  2024

Laugh as you commemorate Friendship Day in 2024! Give your closest friends a read of these amusing Friendship Day funny quotes in Hindi and English. From friendship day funny wishes to happy friendship day quotes funny, these quotes will make your pals laugh aloud and value your unique friendship even more.

Playful Friendship Day Status Funny

1. “दोस्त वो है जो आपकी मूर्खता को भी समझे और उसमें मज़ा ले।”

A friend is one who understands your silliness and enjoys it.

2. “A true friend stabs you in the front.”

Oscar Wilde

3. “सच्चा दोस्त वो है जो आपको हंसाने के लिए खुद पर हंसता है।”

A true friend is one who laughs at themselves to make you laugh.

4. “Friends buy you food. Best friends eat your food.”

“दोस्ती में हर दिन होली और हर रात दिवाली होती है।”

5. In friendship, every day is Holi and every night is Diwali.

2. Sarcastic Funny Happy Friendship Day Status

1. “अगर आपके दोस्त आपको परेशान नहीं करते, तो वो दोस्त नहीं हैं।”

If your friends don’t annoy you, they are not your friends.

2. “A good friend will help you move. But a best friend will help you move a dead body.”

Jim Hayes

3. “दोस्त वो है जो आपके हर फैसले पर सवाल उठाए, लेकिन फिर भी साथ दे।”

A friend is one who questions your every decision but still supports you.

4. “Friends are like snowflakes. If you pee on them, they disappear.”

“दोस्तों का काम है आपके सिर पर सवार होना और आपके दिल में बसना।”

5. Friends’ job is to ride on your head and reside in your heart.

“दोस्ती का मतलब पुरानी यादों को ताज़ा करना और नई यादें बनाना है।”

Nostalgic Funny Friendship Day Status

1. Friendship means refreshing old memories and making new ones.

“We’ll be friends until we’re old and senile. Then we’ll be new friends.”

2. “सच्चे दोस्त वही होते हैं जो पुरानी यादों को हंसी में बदल देते हैं।”

True friends are those who turn old memories into laughter.

3. “Remember when we were kids and we wanted to grow up? What were we thinking?”

“दोस्त वही है जो बीते कल की कहानियाँ आज भी सुनने में मज़ेदार बनाता है।”

4. A friend is one who makes yesterday’s stories enjoyable today.

Supportive Happy Friendship Day Quotes Funny

1. “सच्चे दोस्त वही हैं जो मुश्किल वक्त में भी आपके साथ खड़े रहें।”

True friends are those who stand by you even in difficult times.

2. “Friends are therapists you can drink with.”

“दोस्त वही है जो आपके आँसू देखकर कहे, ‘चलो अब हंसते हैं।'”

3. A friend is one who sees your tears and says, ‘Let’s laugh now.’

“Friends are like bras: close to your heart and there for support.”

4. “सच्ची दोस्ती का मतलब है बिना कुछ कहे भी सब कुछ समझ जाना।”

True friendship means understanding everything without saying anything.

Festive Friendship Day Funny Wishes

1. “दोस्ती का त्यौहार मनाने का मतलब है हंसी और मज़ाक से भरी शामें।”

Celebrating the festival of friendship means evenings full of laughter and fun.

2. “We’ll be best friends forever because you already know too much.”

“दोस्तों के साथ हर दिन पार्टी जैसा होता है।”

3. Every day feels like a party with friends.

“Here’s to the nights that turned into mornings with friends that turned into family.”

4. “दोस्ती का मतलब है हर दिन को यादगार बनाना और हर पल को जश्न में बदलना।”

Friendship means making every day memorable and turning every moment into a celebration.

Celebrate Friendship Day with these funny, heartfelt quotes and make your friends smile with joy and laughter!


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