Welcome to our investigation into the top wine labels in India, where we unveil the pinnacle of refinement and flavor. India has seen a rise in the wine industry in recent years, with many local and foreign labels competing for the interest of both amateurs and experts. This book will lead you through the vineyards of excellence, showcasing the best wine brands that have won over the hearts and palates of wine aficionados all over the nation, whether you’re an experienced sommelier or an enthusiastic wine newbie.

This Article Covers :

  1. Top 8 Best Wine Brands In India July 2024
  2. Sula
  3. Fratelli
  4. KRSMA
  5. Grover
  6. Big Banyan
  7. Four Seasons
  8. York Arros
  9. Malbec

Top 8 Best Wine Brands In India July 2024

Best Wine Brands In India

Alcohol Content Price/ml


13.5% ₹950 for 750 ml


13.5% ₹2,000 for 750 ml


13% ₹780-₹1,000 for 750 ml


14% ₹880 for 750 ml

Big Banyan

13% ₹800 for 750 ml

Four Seasons

 13% ₹1,000 for 750 ml

York Arros

14.3% ₹1,400-₹1,500 for 750 ml


14.5% ₹1050 for 100 ml

1. Sula – Top Wine Brands In India

top wine brands in india

Among the leading wine labels in India, Sula Vineyards stands tall and represents a fusion of quality, innovation, and heritage. Established by Rajeev Samant in 1999, Sula has played a pivotal role in molding the Indian wine sector and enhancing its worldwide acknowledgement.

Sula’s wine portfolio, which offers a wide variety to suit every palette, is evidence of their dedication to excellence. Sula’s varietals highlight the diversity of India’s terroir, ranging from crisp Sauvignon Blanc and fruity Chenin Blanc to strong Cabernet Sauvignon and refined Shiraz.

2. Fratelli – Wine Top Brands In India

wine top brands in india

Unquestionably one of the most well-known wine labels in India is Fratelli Vineyards, which is well-known for both its creative winemaking methods and outstanding quality. Founded in 2007 by the Italian Secci brothers and the Indian Mohite-Patil family, Fratelli skillfully combines Old-World and New-World winemaking methods to create wines that appeal to wine enthusiasts all over the world.

The Sette collection of wines from Fratelli is well regarded; in particular, the Bordeaux-style blend, Sette 2016, has won praise for its complexity, depth, and well-structured tannins. This wine is the embodiment of Fratelli’s dedication to creating wines with outstanding character and elegance, since it is made from carefully chosen grapes such as Petit Verdot, Sangiovese, and Cabernet Sauvignon.

3. KRSMA – Good Wine Brands

Good Wine Brands

KRSMA Estates is renowned for its rigorous attention to detail and dedication to creating wines of extraordinary quality, earning it a great reputation as one of the best wine brands in India. The KRSMA Sangiovese distinguishes out as a tribute to their winemaking prowess among their remarkable lineup.
Not only do their wines have excellent quality, but KRSMA is dedicated to highlighting the potential of Indian terroir, which is what makes them stand out as the top wine brand. This is best shown by their Sangiovese, which gives connoisseurs of wine a taste of India’s winemaking prowess and the craftsmanship that goes into each bottle.

KRSMA Sangiovese is a brilliant illustration of why KRSMA Estates is renowned for its ability to blend tradition and innovation while embodying the spirit of excellence, and it is a wine that many look to.

4. Grover – Popular Wine Brands In India

popular wine brands in india

Grover Zampa, whose history dates back to 1988, has been instrumental in reshaping India’s wine sector and enhancing its reputation abroad.

Grover Zampa is more appealing to wine connoisseurs because of its dedication to sustainability and environmentally beneficial procedures. The ideal terroir of the brand’s vineyards in Nashik and Nandi Hills adds to the distinctive character and high caliber of their wines.

Grover Zampa offers a wide selection of wines to suit a variety of palates in addition to their La Réserve line. These wines include Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, and Rosé.

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5. Big Banyan – Famous Wine Brands In India

famous wine brands in india

The outstanding flavors and aromYork Arrosas of Big Banyan’s wines are a result of the region’s favorable temperature and soil conditions, which the winery established in 2007 relies on to maintain.

Big Banyan is well-known for its Merlot, a red wine with smooth tannins, flavors of rich cherries and spices, and a smooth structure. This wine is a perfect example of Big Banyan’s commitment to producing elegant yet approachable wines that will please both new and seasoned wine lovers.

Big Banyan’s wines are becoming more well-known both domestically and abroad, underscoring their standing as a respectable wine brand that constantly provides customers with value and quality. Whether you’re enjoying a glass of their rosé, white, or red wine, Big Banyan guarantees a delightful and unforgettable wine-drinking experience.

6. Four Seasons – Top Ten Wine Brands

Top Ten Wine Brands

One of the most well-known wine companies in India is Four Seasons Vineyards, which is well-known for its superb quality, large selection of wines, and dedication to sustainability. Four Seasons, which opened in 2006, has received praise from both domestic and foreign audiences and has played a significant role in influencing India’s wine industry.

Four Seasons makes a variety of wines to suit a variety of tastes and events in addition to their Cabernet Sauvignon, such as Sauvignon Blanc, Chenin Blanc, Merlot, and Shiraz. Four Seasons’ enthusiasm for crafting wines that capture the spirit of their terroir is evident in every bottle, as evidenced by their rigorous winemaking procedures.

In addition to their wines, Four Seasons is dedicated to sustainable methods that preserve biodiversity, conserve water, and use eco-friendly packaging, all of which increase their appeal to consumers who care about the environment.

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7. York Arros – Best Wine Brands India

best wine brands india

York Arros is a highly esteemed wine brand in India, widely recognized for its exceptional wines that showcase skill, ingenuity, and a profound regard for the vines. York Arros was established in 2005 and has since gained recognition in the Indian wine industry for its unique varietals and dedication to excellence.

The York Arros Reserve Shiraz is a red wine that embodies the terroir of India and is one of York Arros’ best-selling wines. This Shiraz, which comes from their vineyards in the Sahyadri Valley of Nashik, has a velvety mouthfeel and powerful dark berry aromas with touches of spice. Wine connoisseurs love this wine because of its depth and richness, which are added throughout the meticulous aging process in oak barrels.

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8. Malbec – Most Selling Wine In India

most selling wine in india

Famous for its outstanding quality and unique character, Malbec is an Indian wine brand. Malbec, a well-known Indian wine brand, is known for its dedication to producing high-end wines that showcase the terroir and skill of Indian winemaking.
To appeal to a wide variety of wine fans, Malbec manufactures varietals such as Sauvignon Blanc, Chenin Blanc, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Merlot in addition to their Reserve collection.

Malbec’s dedication to excellence is demonstrated by its skillful winemaking procedures, careful grape selection, and sustainable agricultural methods. They place a high priority on environmentally friendly projects and work hard to present the finest Indian wine on both domestic and global stages.
